Biswa to Gaj converter

How many Gaj in 1 Biswa?

  • General Standard - In many regions, 1 Biswa = 150 Gaj.
  • Uttarakhand - In certain areas of Uttarakhand, 1 Biswa is defined as 405 square feet. Since 1 Gaj equals 9 square feet, this translates to 45 Gaj per Biswa.
  • Eastern Uttar Pradesh - In the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, land measurement units can vary, with distinctions between Pucca and Kaccha Biswa. Typically, 1 Bigha equals 20 Pucca Biswa or 10 Kaccha Biswa. However, specific conversions to Gaj are not standardized and can differ locally.
  • Biswa Kacha - The term "Biswa Kacha" refers to a variation in land measurement, and its conversion to Gaj can differ. For instance, 1 Biswa Kacha is approximately 195.477 Gaj.

About Biswa

The Biswa is a traditional unit of land measurement commonly used in various northern Indian states, including Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, and parts of Uttarakhand.

It serves as a subunit of the Bigha, with the relationship between Biswa and Bigha varying regionally. Typically, one Bigha is divided into either 10 or 20 Biswa, depending on local customs.

The actual area represented by a Biswa can differ significantly across regions, reflecting the diverse agricultural practices and historical land measurement systems in India. Despite the official adoption of the metric system, units like Biswa remain prevalent in rural land transactions, underscoring their enduring cultural significance.

Formula: biswa to gaj

Dimensions of biswa

Unit Value
1 Biswa 1350 Square Feet
1 Biswa 125.42 Square Meters
1 Biswa 150 Square Yards
1 Biswa 0.049 Bigha
1 Biswa 0.99 Katha
1 Biswa 150 Gaj
1 Biswa 25 Guntha

Biswa - unit value in different regions

Here are three examples illustrating the approximate size of 1 Biswa in different regions:

  • Uttar Pradesh (Eastern Region): In the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, 1 Biswa is approximately equal to 1,361.25 square feet.
  • Uttarakhand: In certain areas of Uttarakhand, 1 Biswa is defined as 45 square yards, which is equivalent to 405 square feet.
  • General standard: In many regions, 1 Biswa is commonly considered equivalent to 150 square yards, translating to 1,350 square feet.

Popular biswa to gaj conversions

Biswa Gaj
1 Biswa 150 Gaj
2 Biswa 300 Gaj
3 Biswa 450 Gaj
4 Biswa 600 Gaj
5 Biswa 750 Gaj
6 Biswa 900 Gaj
7 Biswa 1050 Gaj
8 Biswa 1200 Gaj
9 Biswa 1350 Gaj
10 Biswa 1500 Gaj
11 Biswa 1650 Gaj
12 Biswa 1800 Gaj
13 Biswa 1950 Gaj
14 Biswa 2100 Gaj
15 Biswa 2250 Gaj
16 Biswa 2400 Gaj
17 Biswa 2550 Gaj
18 Biswa 2700 Gaj
19 Biswa 2850 Gaj
20 Biswa 3000 Gaj