Biswa to Bigha converter

How many Bigha in 1 Biswa?

The conversion between Biswa and Bigha varies across different regions in India due to traditional land measurement practices. In many areas, particularly in parts of Uttar Pradesh, the following relationship is commonly observed:

  • 1 Bigha = 20 Biswa

Consequently, to determine how many Bigha are in 1 Biswa, you can use the formula:

Formula: biswa to bigha

Therefore, in regions where 1 Bigha equals 20 Biswa, 1 Biswa is equal to 0.049 Bigha.

It's important to note that these measurements can vary by region. For instance, in some areas, the size of a Bigha may differ, leading to variations in the Biswa-to-Bigha ratio. Always consult local land records or authorities for precise conversions applicable to a specific area.

About Bigha

The Bigha is a customary unit for measuring land, especially in states like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh. Its size is not standardized and can differ significantly from one region to another. For instance, in parts of Himachal Pradesh, 1 Bigha is equivalent to approximately 968 square yards.

About Biswa

Biswa serves as a subunit of the Bigha and is commonly used alongside it in land measurements. The relationship between Biswa and Bigha varies regionally. In many areas, 1 Bigha is divided into 20 Biswa, making each Biswa equal to 1/20th of a Bigha.

Dimensions of biswa

Unit Value
1 Biswa 1350 Square Feet
1 Biswa 125.42 Square Meters
1 Biswa 150 Square Yards
1 Biswa 0.049 Bigha
1 Biswa 0.99 Katha
1 Biswa 150 Gaj
1 Biswa 25 Guntha

Popular biswa to bigha conversions

Biswa Bigha
1 Biswa 0.049 Bigha
2 Biswa 0.098 Bigha
3 Biswa 0.147 Bigha
4 Biswa 0.196 Bigha
5 Biswa 0.245 Bigha
6 Biswa 0.294 Bigha
7 Biswa 0.343 Bigha
8 Biswa 0.392 Bigha
9 Biswa 0.441 Bigha
10 Biswa 0.49 Bigha
11 Biswa 0.539 Bigha
12 Biswa 0.588 Bigha
13 Biswa 0.637 Bigha
14 Biswa 0.686 Bigha
15 Biswa 0.735 Bigha
16 Biswa 0.784 Bigha
17 Biswa 0.833 Bigha
18 Biswa 0.882 Bigha
19 Biswa 0.931 Bigha
20 Biswa 0.98 Bigha