Biswa to Acre converter

Biswa - what unit is this?

Biswa is a unit of land measurement used primarily in India, especially in states like Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan. However, the size of a biswa varies from region to region.

Here are some common conversions:

  • In Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand: 1 biswa = 1,350 square feet (approx.)
  • In Rajasthan: 1 biswa = 1,500 square feet (approx.)
  • In Madhya Pradesh & some parts of North India: 1 biswa = 1/20 of a bigha, where 1 bigha varies from 6,000 to 12,000 square feet.

Biswa - what is its value in individual regions?

The value of Biswa varies by region in India, as different states have different land measurement systems. Below is a breakdown of how much area 1 Biswa represents in different regions:

Biswa land measurement by region

Region/State 1 Biswa in Square Feet Conversion in Bigha
Uttar Pradesh1,350 sq. ft.1/20 of a Bigha
Uttarakhand1,350 sq. ft.1/20 of a Bigha
Rajasthan1,500 sq. ft.1/20 of a Bigha
Madhya PradeshVaries (600–1,200 sq. ft.)1/20 of a Bigha
Himachal Pradesh1,008 sq. ft.1/20 of a Bigha
Haryana & PunjabNot commonly used
BiharVaries by district1/20 of a Bigha

Important notes

  • 1 Biswa = 1/20th of a Bigha in most regions.
  • The size of 1 Bigha itself varies across states, affecting the size of Biswa.
  • In some regions, local variations exist based on traditional land measurement practices.

Formula: biswa to acre

Where is the acre unit used?

The acre is a widely used unit of land measurement, primarily in countries that follow the imperial system. It is commonly used for measuring large plots of land, especially in agriculture, real estate, and government land records.

Countries where "Acre" is used<

  1. United States – Standard unit for land measurement in real estate and agriculture.
  2. United Kingdom – Used in real estate and farming.
  3. Canada – Used alongside the metric system for land measurement.
  4. Australia – Still in use, although hectares are also common.
  5. India – Used for land measurement, especially in states like Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh.
  6. Pakistan – Official unit for land records.
  7. Bangladesh – Used in real estate and rural land measurement.
  8. Nepal – Used alongside traditional units like Ropani and Bigha.
  9. South Africa – Used in agriculture and property records.
  10. Some Caribbean and African Nations – Still in use due to British colonial influence.

1 Acre conversion

  • 1 Acre = 43,560 square feet
  • 1 Acre = 4,840 square yards
  • 1 Acre = 0.4047 hectares
  • 1 Acre = 100.8 cents (in South India)

Dimensions of biswa

Unit Value
1 Biswa 1350 Square Feet
1 Biswa 125.42 Square Meters
1 Biswa 150 Square Yards
1 Biswa 0.049 Bigha
1 Biswa 0.99 Katha
1 Biswa 150 Gaj
1 Biswa 25 Guntha

Popular biswa to acre conversions

Biswa Acre
1 Biswa 0.0309 Acre
2 Biswa 0.0618 Acre
3 Biswa 0.0927 Acre
4 Biswa 0.1236 Acre
5 Biswa 0.1545 Acre
6 Biswa 0.1854 Acre
7 Biswa 0.2163 Acre
8 Biswa 0.2472 Acre
9 Biswa 0.2781 Acre
10 Biswa 0.309 Acre
11 Biswa 0.3399 Acre
12 Biswa 0.3708 Acre
13 Biswa 0.4017 Acre
14 Biswa 0.4326 Acre
15 Biswa 0.4635 Acre
16 Biswa 0.4944 Acre
17 Biswa 0.5253 Acre
18 Biswa 0.5562 Acre
19 Biswa 0.5871 Acre
20 Biswa 0.618 Acre