500 gaj in bigha

How to convert 500 gaj in bigha?

To convert 500 Gaj to Bigha, you need to know the conversion factor between Gaj and Bigha, which varies by region.

General conversions

1 Gaj = 9 square feet

1 Bigha = Varies by region

Conversion Table by Region

Region/State 1 Bigha in Square Feet 1,000 Gaj to Bigha
Uttar Pradesh 27,225 sq. ft. 0.33 Bigha
Uttarakhand 27,225 sq. ft. 0.33 Bigha
Bihar 27,220 sq. ft. 0.33 Bigha
Rajasthan 27,255 sq. ft. 0.33 Bigha
Madhya Pradesh 12,000 sq. ft. 0.75 Bigha
Himachal Pradesh 8,712 sq. ft. 1.03 Bigha
West Bengal 14,400 sq. ft. 0.63 Bigha
Punjab & Haryana 9,072 sq. ft. 1 Bigha (approx.)

How to convert?

  1. Convert Gaj to Square Feet
  2. 500 Gaj = 500 × 9 = 4500 square feet

  3. Divide by Bigha size of the region
  4. Bigha = 4500 ÷ (Bigha size in square feet)

Formula: gaj to bigha

Example calculation

Converting 500 Gaj to Bigha:

500 Gaj : 3,025 Gaj per Bigha0.165 Bigha

Areas of 500 Gaj

To help visualize this area, here are five examples of spaces or objects with a similar size:

  1. Medium-sized residential plot: In urban areas, a residential plot of about 418 square meters can accommodate a spacious single-family home with a garden or yard.
  2. Community park section: A segment of a community park, such as a children's playground or a picnic area, often covers around 400 to 500 square meters.
  3. Retail store floor Space: A mid-sized retail store or supermarket may have a floor area of approximately 400 square meters, providing ample space for product displays and customer movement.
  4. School gymnasium: A standard school gymnasium or multipurpose hall can occupy an area close to 420 square meters, suitable for sports and assemblies.
  5. Parking lot: A parking area accommodating around 15-20 cars typically covers about 400 to 450 square meters, depending on the layout and parking space dimensions.

Dimensions of Gaj

Unit Value
1 Gaj 8.999925 Square Feet
1 Gaj 0.836120 Square Meters
1 Gaj 0.999992 Square Yards
1 Gaj 0.000826 Bigha
1 Gaj 0.016529 Biswa

Popular Gaj to Bigha conversions

Gaj Bigha
510 gaj 0.1683 bigha
520 gaj 0.1716 bigha
530 gaj 0.1749 bigha
540 gaj 0.1782 bigha
550 gaj 0.1815 bigha
560 gaj 0.1848 bigha
570 gaj 0.1881 bigha
580 gaj 0.1914 bigha
590 gaj 0.1947 bigha
600 gaj 0.198 bigha