1000 gaj in bigha

How to convert 1000 gaj in bigha?

The conversion of 1 000 Gaj to Bigha depends on the state or region, as the size of a Bigha varies across India.

General conversions

1 Gaj = 9 square feet

1 Bigha = Varies by region

Conversion Table by Region

Region/State 1 Bigha in Square Feet 1,000 Gaj to Bigha
Uttar Pradesh 27,225 sq. ft. 0.33 Bigha
Uttarakhand 27,225 sq. ft. 0.33 Bigha
Bihar 27,220 sq. ft. 0.33 Bigha
Rajasthan 27,255 sq. ft. 0.33 Bigha
Madhya Pradesh 12,000 sq. ft. 0.75 Bigha
Himachal Pradesh 8,712 sq. ft. 1.03 Bigha
West Bengal 14,400 sq. ft. 0.63 Bigha
Punjab & Haryana 9,072 sq. ft. 1 Bigha (approx.)

How to convert?

  1. Convert Gaj to Square Feet
  2. 1,000 Gaj = 1,000 × 9 = 9,000 square feet

  3. Divide by Bigha size of the region
  4. Bigha = 9,000 ÷ (Bigha size in square feet)

Formula: gaj to bigha

Example calculation

Converting 1 000 Gaj to Bigha:

1 000 Gaj ÷ 3,025 Gaj per Bigha0.3301 Bigha

Here are 5 real-world examples of areas measuring 1 000 Gaj:

  1. A medium-sized residential plot
    • A typical housing plot in cities like Delhi, Jaipur, or Lucknow often ranges around 1,000 Gaj, which is ideal for a large bungalow or a small apartment complex.
    • Dimensions Example: 50 yards × 20 yards = 1,000 Gaj
  2. A small commercial complex
    • A shopping complex or small office space with multiple shops can be built on 1,000 Gaj.
    • Often used for market spaces or showrooms in urban areas.
    • Dimensions Example: 40 yards × 25 yards = 1,000 Gaj
  3. A football field section
    • A standard football (soccer) field is around 7,140 Gaj.
    • 1,000 Gaj covers approximately 14% of a full football field, equivalent to one penalty box area.
  4. A school playground or park
    • Many small school playgrounds or public parks are around 1,000 Gaj, enough for a basketball court or a jogging track.
    • Example: A small community park in a residential colony.
  5. A medium-sized warehouse or factory space
    • In industrial areas, 1,000 Gaj is suitable for a small warehouse, a dairy farm, or a workshop.
    • Example: A small factory for textile, furniture, or auto parts manufacturing.

Dimensions of Gaj

Unit Value
1 Gaj 8.999925 Square Feet
1 Gaj 0.836120 Square Meters
1 Gaj 0.999992 Square Yards
1 Gaj 0.000826 Bigha
1 Gaj 0.016529 Biswa

Popular Gaj to Bigha conversions

Gaj Bigha
1 gaj 0.00033 bigha
2 gaj 0.00066 bigha
3 gaj 0.00099 bigha
4 gaj 0.00132 bigha
5 gaj 0.00165 bigha
6 gaj 0.00198 bigha
7 gaj 0.00231 bigha
8 gaj 0.00264 bigha
9 gaj 0.00297 bigha
10 gaj 0.0033 bigha
11 gaj 0.00363 bigha
12 gaj 0.00396 bigha
13 gaj 0.00429 bigha
14 gaj 0.00462 bigha
15 gaj 0.00495 bigha
100 gaj 0.033 bigha
500 gaj 0.165 bigha
1000 gaj 0.33 bigha